Jo Morrison's triharpskele logo Jo's nameplate Jo Morrison's triharpskele logo

By Request

Favorites on Solo Harp

By Request is Jo's musical reply to the oft-posed question, "When are you going to record that tune?" Her new CD, By Request contains those tunes she is most often asked to perform or to record.

In a departure from her previous recordings, Jo appears alone on By Request. There are no other instruments or vocals to distract from the sublime sound of Jo and her harp.


cover of By Request

Track Listing:

Partial MP3 sound clips are available. Total Playing Time:  51 minutes

Guest Artists:

Produced by Heidi Gerber and Jo Morrison.


By Request may be ordered directly from:

To order, send check or money order to:
 Jo Morrison
 2537 Marston Rd.
 New Windsor, MD
CD: $15
Shipping:    $10 shipping for priority mail for one or two CDs

  For immediate online purchase using your PayPal account.  
    For credit card purchase through Apple's iTunes.  

Note: Due to software limitations, the normal multiple-item shipping discounts are not available at the exact price quoted here for PayPal purchases. Checks or money orders must be used to take advantage of the exact discounts, or email your order to me directly and after receiving a quote from me follow the directions to send PayPal payment to Jo at Sorry for the inconvenience!

The album cover is Copyright © 2004 Jo Morrison, All rights reserved.
My triharpskele logo is by Amanda Fisher.
The triharpskele logo is Copyright © 1998 Jo Morrison and Amanda Fisher, All rights reserved.

The album cover and the logo may not be used without permission.
This web page is Copyright © 2024 and all sound clips are Copyright ©2004 by Jo Morrison. All rights reserved.